This phase of the operation, covering the period October 1 thru December 31, also focused primarily on violent offenders. “GOCCP grant funding enables us to produce meaningful incremental results that impact not only the top priority of our overall warrant strategy – arresting violent offenders, but it enables us to continue to reduce warrants on hand,” said Captain Randall Cooper, Assistant Bureau Chief of Criminal Operations.
With the focus on violent offenders, the arrest results from the operation were significant. There were 90 violent offender arrests, including seven for attempted murder, 30 First Degree Assaults, 3 Carjackings, 21 Robberies, 8 Sex Offenses, 2 Rapes, and 19 Burglaries. Of all arrests, 28 were for gun-related charges and Sheriff’s Deputies lodged 16 detainers for violent offenders being held in another jurisdiction. The detainers enable the Sheriff’s Office to extradite the individual back to Prince George’s County.
“Recognizing the scarcity of resources, I am always pleased to report back to GOCCP the results we are able to achieve with the resources they provide; our deputies work hard to maximize those dollars and it shows,” said Sheriff High.
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