“Purple Light Nights®” lighting ceremony is a
program of the Sheriff’s Domestic Violence Intervention Division (DVID), in
partnership with the County Administration and County Council, county agencies,
and non-profit and private sector partners. Of the college’s participation, Dr.
Dukes said, “We partnered with the Sheriff from the start on Purple Light
Nights because creating a safe work and campus environment for our employees
and students is a priority. I completely agree that working together, what
success looks like is every student, employee, and citizen who recognizes signs
of abuse, knows that help is available, and knows where to get it.”
WHAT/WHEN: Purple Light Nights® Lighting Ceremony
October 1,
2019 6:30 p.m. – 8:00p.m.
Program: Office
of the Sheriff – Sheriff Melvin C. High
Co-Host – Prince George’s Community College – Dr.
Charlene M. Dukes
Interludes –
Spoken Word
- “Purple Light-Bulb” Awards
WHERE: Prince George’s Community
College – Student Center Courtyard
301 Largo
Road, Largo, MD 20772
can pick up a free your purple light bulb to shine on a porch or in a window every
night in October to signify the county’s unity in the fight against domestic
violence, along with other purple mementos for the closing countdown, and take a
keepsake photo in the “Purple Light Nights®” picture frame between 6:30 p.m.
and 7:00 p.m. The program begins promptly at 7:05 and concludes with the
lighting ceremony countdown promptly at 8:05.
The media
are invited to attend. For more information contact the Communications and
Public Affairs Division at 301-780-7354.
Video: https://pgsheriff.blogspot.com/2019/08/save-date-october-1-2019-6th-annual.html